A Project initiated by Youth Council in Action for Nation (YOUTH CAN) with support from United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Nepal and in collaboration with four local government bodies.
The pandemic due to COVID-19 has affected almost the whole world. And during this pandemic the local governments in Nepal faced ample difficulties to provide effective services to public at quarantine and health posts; also frontline police officers & reporters were in danger while they were in duty to serve public. The basic safety kits like mask, sanitizer, soap, thermal gun, etc where much in need to those frontline individuals. With adequate survey and coordination with the stakeholders this project named as “Responsible Youth-II”, in Nepali “lhDd]jf/ o'jf-II” was designed by YOUTH CAN to support the local government (Sammarimai & Omsatiya Rural Minicipality and Tilottama Municipality), 100 frontline police officers at Lumbini State Traffic Police Office and 100 frontline reporters at Federation of Nepali Journalists, Rupandehi Branch. The project aimed to distribute the diverse kits on the need basis of local government, police officers and reporters.